Faith-Integrated Support Rooted in Love, Choice, and Compassion

No matter your path, your beliefs, or your background - you are welcome here. All of my services are grounded in compassion, evidence, and holistic support. As a practicing Byzantine Catholic, I offer optional prayer, blessings, and spiritual support for those who want to integrate their faith into their care experience. My faith is my joy, not your obligation.

Here I offer you a

Gentle Invitation to Faith-Integrated Support

My services are built on a foundation of evidence-based, holistic care: trauma-informed, dignity-honoring, and centered on you. I lean crunchy in practice - favoring nourishing, natural, and integrative methods - while still staying grounded in solid science and respectful of your personal preferences.

But there's another layer to my work - one I offer with open hands and an open heart: my faith.

I’m a practicing Byzantine Catholic, deeply in love with Christ and the Church, and grateful every day for the opportunity to bring faith into the sacred work of caregiving when invited.

A Little of My Story

I was reared a cradle Catholic but drifted from active practice in college, still holding the faith in my heart but not fully living it out. It wasn’t until I encountered the beauty of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church - a Byzantine tradition rich in reverence, tradition, and tenderness - that I truly fell in love with my faith.

The incense. The chanting. The mystery. The depth of tradition that honored both body and soul - captivated me. It made space for strength and softness, fasting and feasting, grief and joy. It mirrored the kind of doula work I do: intentional, sacred, and tender.

That encounter changed me - and now I carry that love into the work I do, joyfully and gently. I never impose it. But if you're curious, I’d be honored to share.

“The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for what He is sending us every day in His goodness.”

- St. Gianna Beretta Molla

A wife, mother, physician, and saint who beautifully embodied both holistic care and deep faith. Her reverence for life, family, and the dignity of women aligns so tenderly with your work as a doula and your own witness.

If desired,

hand holding chioke prayer rope

What Faith-Integrated Care Can Look Like:

  • Prayer before labor or postpartum visits

  • Blessings for you or your baby

  • Sacred conversation about motherhood, suffering, or identity

  • Fasting and feast day sensitivity

  • Gentle encouragement rooted in the Catholic tradition

  • Quiet presence and spiritual companionship

  • A safe place to ask questions about faith, even if you’re not a believer

Come as You Are

Whether you’re devout, questioning, of another faith, or not religious at all, you are welcome here. I believe everyone deserves love, safety, and care that honors their full humanity. I meet you where you are - with no judgment, no pressure, and no expectations. Just love.

If you ever feel called to ask about faith, I’m here. If you just want evidence-based, crunchy-leaning care with a soft touch, I’m here for that too.


  • Not at all. I serve families of every (or no) faith background with the same level of love and care. You’re safe here.

  • Yes! I’m happy to pray with or for you if that’s something you want, no matter where you’re at in your journey.

  • Only if you request it. Otherwise, I may simply hold you in prayer silently.

  • Ask away. I’m always happy to share what I believe, how I practice, and how it relates to the beautiful messiness of real life. There’s no pressure—just honest, gentle conversation.